When to See a Doctor for Erectile Dysfunction?

Many men find it difficult to discuss erectile dysfunction with a doctor. However, it’s important to discuss your ED openly and honestly with your doctor as many treatment options are available. With help from the doctor, most men will find a treatment that works best for them.
Even when ED does not start with psychological problems, it can be one of the reasons for erectile dysfunction. If you have ED, you might want to talk to a mental health professional.
You should visit a doctor for Erectile Dysfunction if you have the following issues:
- Inability to achieve an erection.
- Stressed or concerned about your sexual performance
- Ability to get an erection sometimes, but not every time.
- Ability to get an erection but not being able to maintain it.
- Ability to get an erection but not hard enough for sexual intercourse.
Specialists for Erectile Dysfunction
The best place to visit is your primary doctor’s clinic. ED has many possible causes, so you may need to go through a thorough physical examination to diagnose it. The first steps to diagnose ED are usually simple. If your doctor thing, you may require further diagnosis, then he may refer you to a specialist.
Urologists specialize in urinary and reproductive health. They help diagnose any abnormalities in your reproductive organs. Your doctor may refer you to a urologist if you don’t have any underlying health conditions, such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, or anxiety, but you still have symptoms of ED. Your urologist may examine your prostate for conditions that may be causing erectile dysfunction, including:
- Polyuria, or excessive urine volume
- Prostate cancer or treatment for prostate cancer
- Enlarged prostate or treatment for enlarged prostate
- Nerve damage resulting from radical prostatectomy
If you don’t have any underlying health issues or reactions to drugs, the urologist may recommend medications such as Cenforce 150, Fildena 150, Vilitra 20, or Vidalista 20.
Endocrinologists are hormone specialists. They test the blood to determine whether your hormone levels are abnormal. Low testosterone levels can also contribute to ED.
Some hormonal conditions can cause ED, including:
Andropause, in which your body doesn’t produce enough growth hormones or androgen high levels of prolactin
Irregular thyroid hormones or too little thyroid hormone is produced
Mental Health Professionals
A mental health professional can help determine if psychological issues are contributing to your ED. Your doctor may refer you to a mental health professional if you’re experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, high levels of stress, relationship problems, symptoms of schizophrenia, and personality disorder in addition to ED symptoms.