Erectile Dysfunction

Why Younger Men are Getting Erection Problems?

Why Younger Men are Getting Erection Problems?

Erectile dysfunction is often generalized as a sexual disorder that is bound to happy only to men in their 60s, 70s, and above. With varying physiological and psychological causes ranging from stress, high blood pressure to type II diabetes, younger men to are susceptible to erectile dysfunction.

The hardest part is that younger men are finding it difficult to accept and acknowledge it. Persistent or recurring ED is typically a problem that might show up in middle age or old age, but according to the doctors, it is something that is affecting an increasing number of younger men too.

One study found that ED affected 26% of men who are under 40, out of which half of them were suffering from severe stages of erectile dysfunction. However, another study that was published by Co-op Pharmacy suggested that 50% of men in their 30s struggled with ED. Most of these younger men blamed the stress of their work and personal life as the main cause.

So what causes erectile dysfunction in younger men?

According to Dr. Anand Patel, a GP who specializes in sexual health problems, “the younger the man is, the higher the probability that the ED has a psychological component”. Around 40% of men have psychological issues like depression, anxiety, or stressful work ambience that might reduce the libido and eventually result in erectile dysfunction.

Psychological Factors

In clinical terms, erectile dysfunction is an ability to attain and maintain an erection. This means if you have an occasional off night due to any reason like alcohol consumption or drugs, there is no cause of concern. But if that off night leads to many other erections-less nights, it is suggested to look into the matter.

With depression, anxiety, or stress you may feel a lack of interest in many enjoyable activities including sex. It may instil the feeling of fatigue, sadness, and a sense of worthlessness, and this is hardly conducive for any sexual activity.

Hence, a constant negative and distressed mindset could be the main cause behind younger men experiencing erectile dysfunction. There are medicines like Kamagra 100 that is a high potential medicine and is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and hypertension as well. A talk with the doctor can definitely open a door to different solutions to male impotency in younger men.

Too Much Porn?

Apart from various psychological factors like stress, unhealthy lifestyle, there is another common culprit for erectile dysfunction in younger men, which is known as porn-induced erectile dysfunction (PIED).

Though this theory has no sufficient scientific evidence and also the cause and effect can get jumbled here, it is hard to say that watching too much porn can be the reason behind erectile dysfunction in men. However, there are few cases in which men can easily maintain an erection while watching porn, but struggle even to attain an erection with a partner.

Other Causes

Human body and mind is a complex mechanism. One disorder can have thousands of symptoms. While some younger men might be experiencing the problem of ED due to psychological factors, others may be suffering from erection issues due to physiological causes.

Today, men as young as 25 years of age are getting diagnosed with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Although it is unlikely, it is not completely impossible. Kidney problems and liver diseases along with heart disease can contribute to erection problems.

Visit a doctor if the problem of getting an erection is severe and more persistent. He will have you diagnosed and might suggest an ED drug like Kamagra Oral Jelly. ED drugs like Kamagra and Viagra may help to get the erections back.